NIGSD holds a webinar on Egyptian trade relations in Africa

09 November 2021
The National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development (NIGSD) - the training arm of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development - held a webinar on Egyptian trade relations in Africa under the title "Modern Visions for Intra-African Trade Relations 2021-2022."
The webinar was organized by the TNMIA “Training Network for Management Institutes in Africa”, affiliated to NIGSD, for 13 countries from the African continent; From Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Chad, Mali, Togo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, Guinea, Benin, Djibouti, Burundi and Ivory Coast.
The network also witnessed the participation of representatives of the League of Arab States, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, faculty members at Cairo University, the American and German universities in Cairo, and alumni of the "Tanmia" network.
Sherifa Sherif, Executive Director of the National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development (NIGSD), said that Egypt has been seeking for years to strengthen its role in Africa, pointing to the historical relations and vital interests that link the Egyptian state to its brothers in Africa.
She stressed Egypt's interest in deepening relations with African institutions at all levels.
The webinar discussed Egyptian trade relations in Africa, and their impact on the rapid global changes during the Corona pandemic, the Egyptian business strategy in Africa in the current and future period.
The webinar strengthens trade exchange with Africa and investments within the brown continent, modern visions of African trade relations 2020-2021, and prospects for consolidating those relations.
The Webinar also discussed a new vision for managing relations with Africa, and the importance of Egyptian-African relations, which have been growing continuously over the past years and are reflected in many major projects being implemented, development opportunities in the African continent.
It also tackled Egypt's efforts to strengthen the investment mechanism with the countries of the continent.
The webinar also discussed several points, including free trade agreements on the continent to include Egypt, an analysis of trade relations and the future of trade in Africa, the African Free Trade Area, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), and Egyptian relations with it, the advantages offered by COMESA to Egyptian companies, and the trade agreement The African Triple Free and its importance to Egypt.
The webinar was held using the French language.
It witnessed the presence of Mr. Basem Farouk Bader, Minister Plenipotentiary of Commerce, Director of the Digital Transformation Unit, Website and Director of the Export Services Unit, and in the presence of Dr. Hanan Rizk, Director of the Training Network for Management Institutes in Africa "Tanmia".